Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Getting Started with Workplace Health and Safety


The world is awash with information about what businesses must do when it comes to health and safety in the workplace. This topic is incredibly important, but it is also incredibly vast. It is important for employers to understand the absolute basics of health and safety to ensure that their workplace is safe and healthy for themselves and their employees.


Comfortable workstations are especially important if employees sit for long periods of time at their computers. Ideally, each employee should have their own desk and their own adjustable chair. Furniture At Work offers a wide range of office chairs and furniture that can help protect an employee’s health during the workday.


For office workers, it is important that the positioning of the monitor is appropriate. The screen should sit directly in front of the user, at around an arm’s length away, with the top of the screen at eye level when seated. If the monitor is out of position, employees may have to bend their neck to see properly, resulting in strain to the neck or back.


Obstructed walkways are one of the leading causes of trips in the workplace. Employees need to be able to move around the office safely, so keeping walkways clear is of utmost importance. Businesses can benefit from adopting a ‘see it, fix it’ attitude. If staff encounter a blocked walkway, encourage them to either fix the issue themselves, or report it to a senior member of staff.


Workspaces need to be well lit, as poor-quality lighting can have a negative effect on employees’ mood and wellbeing, which in turn can impact their performance. Office lighting that is either too bright or too dim can cause physical complaints, such as headaches or fatigue. In some workplaces, it can be helpful to give employees their own desk lamp to work alongside ceiling lighting.

First Aid

Being able to provide suitable first aid is a crucial part of workplace health and safety. Accidents and illnesses can occur without warning, so it is crucial that businesses are well-prepared. The minimum requirement is a well-stocked first aid box and someone responsible for taking charge of this, and some businesses decide that they require a qualified first aider too.

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